Welcome to ConTec
ConTec specializes in concrete technology, in particular in rheology of cement based materials such as cement paste, mortar and concrete. Our goal is to be leading in concrete technology.
Coaxial cylinder viscometer for coarse particle suspension, suitable to mesure the rheological properties of concrete, cement paste, grout, repair materials and mortar. The viscometers have been sold to many countries.
Dr. Wallevik Rheology course: “Rheology of Coarse Suspensions, such as Cement Paste, Mortar and Concrete”, have been hold in many countries. More information: Info@ConTec.
In additional to the viscometers and the courses we have been bringing our knowledge into several companies in Europe and USA in the form of consulting.
Our target group are those in industry, university or research institution who work with problems related to fresh concrete properties and/or others cement based particle suspension such as cement paste, grout, repair materials, mortar, for instance self leveling flooring grout.